Casual Hourly Rate: $100 per hour plus GST 6 hour cancellation/reschedule notice period
1 reschedule per booking
If rescheduled, the lesson must take place within 1 calendar month of original booking date
Online booking available (subject to availability and payment to be made when booking)
Diamond* Hourly rate: $88 plus GST
6 hour cancellation/reschedule notice period
Provided the required notice is given you are entitled to a maximum of 2 makeup lessons (2 x 1 hour) if you need to reschedule.
When planning permits the student will be offered free enrolment into future student(s) showcase concerts. If you want a weekly one hour lesson, or have 2 kids that wish to have back to back lessons each week this is the plan for you.
Silver* Hourly Rate: $90 plus GST
6 hour cancellation/reschedule notice period
Lessons can be 30 minutes (weekly) or hourly (fortnightly)
Provided the required notice is given you are entitled to a maximum of 2 makeup lessons (2 x 30 minutes, or 1 x 60 minutes) if you need to reschedule.
* *$35 admin/reschedule fee for lessons rescheduled after your allocation.Diamond and Silver Packages are non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another term/block should you not wish to continue part way through a term/block. Missed lessons that haven't been made up before the start of a new term will no longer be rolled over and deducted from the next invoice.
General Terms and Conditions for all lessons
The teacher reserves the right to forfeit your lesson if you are running more than 10 minutes late and you have not attempted to get in contact. Invoices are to be settled before the due date on the invoice. As a performing musician Matt Hurt Music reserves the right to rearrange lessons if, on the rare occasion, a performance clashes with your arranged lesson. You will be credited the appropriate time missed and the lesson will be rearranged at no extra charge. If the teacher is unable to teach due to sickness Matt Hurt Music will endeavour to inform you, the student or parent/guardian, with as much notice as possible. Credit will be provided for the missed lesson and Matt Hurt Music will rearrange the lesson at no extra charge. Matt Hurt Music reserves the right to provide a stand in teacher, without notice, if your regular teacher is unable to make a lesson for any reason.